Device Detail Overview

• 3 min to read •

Empowers you with many features to manage the device and includes several useful charts and health metrics at a glance. Information regarding mobile devices overview and tools can be found in Mobile Management.

Important Information

Some features are only available with a Syxsense and Enterprise Secure license, please contact your Account Manager to upgrade.

Discovery: Device Overview



These buttons allow you to perform specific operations on the selected device. 

You may need to click 'More...' to see the full list of options.

View Device - Allows digging into the device details.

Wake Up - Sends a magic packet to wake up the device from being powered down. This feature requires Wake-On-Lan enabled in the BIOS.

Remote Control - Initiates an HTML5 remote-control session with the device in a new browser tab.

Patch Manager -  Starts the patching wizard where you can choose which updates to deploy to the device. View patch details. Check Vulnerabilities for patch details.

Detele/Archive - Deletes the device from the database or archives it.

Move Device(s) -  Allows you to move the device between Site Groups.

Inventory Scan - Start a scan to collect the latest hardware and software information.

Remove Agent - Uninstalls the agent from a device (only available to an online device).

Group - Creates a device group.

Run Reports -  Creates reports, grouping different metrics.


Overview - Brings you back to the default screen.

Device Health (Patches) - Lists available patches for all detected vulnerabilities and patch history.

Security - Lists the detected vulnerabilities per the security scan task. This feature is for a Secure license only.

Reports - Lists all reports.  Reports will be filtered for this device only.

Timeline - Displays the device lifecycle. This feature is for a Secure license only.

Tasks - Displays a list of any current task the device is a target of.


View Inventory - Displays the hardware and software information from the last inventory scan.

Inventory History - View changes to the device between two different archive points.

Inventory Scan - Start a scan to collect the latest hardware and software information.


The list of available tools may differ depending on the device's OS.

Device Config - Allows configuring exclusion, device fingerprint, site-locking, remote-control, access, and blackout hours settings.

Team Viewer - Initiates remote-control session via the TeamViewer app.

File Browser - Explores all local drives of the device.

Device Quarantine - Allows you to easily quarantine the device with a simple click. This feature is for a Secure license only and only visible if the device is Connected.

Ping - Allows performing a port scan or ICMP on the device. This feature is only visible if the device is Not Connected.

Event Viewer - Search and export the Windows events recorded on the device.

Process Viewer - Akin to Task Manager, display all running processes and services on the device.

Linux Scanner - Task automation tool with a command-line shell.

WMI Explorer - Pass customizable WMI statements to the device for advanced inventory collection.

Remote Registry - Stores data about actions completed by Windows OS which serves as a basis for the Event Log creation.

PowerShell - Advanced. Remote PowerShell terminal with a returned response.

Log Viewer - An audit of Syxsense service activity.



Last Update: July, 2024

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